Off Nangwenya Road , Tiyende Pamodzi , Showgrounds Lusaka +260 966 745604

About Us

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The Zambia Seed Trade Association

About Us

The Zambia Seed Trade Association (ZASTA) was established in November, 1999 under the societies Act Cap 119 of Law of Zambia. It was fomed out of realization of the need and mutual benefit for members and the country to be derived from the effective and systematic exchange of information and exprience as well as mutual economic and technology,production,distribution and trade.ZASTA is affiliated to the African Seed Trade Association (AFSTA). The Zambia Seed Trade Association is non-political,non-governmental and non-profit making organisation.

Corporate Governance

The Association is governed by four (4)structures. These are;
General Assembly through Annual General Meetings
Executive Committe
Constitution which guides the running of the Asssociation
The Secretariat.


Marx Mbunji

President (Sango Special Seeds Ltd)

Patrick Nyumbu

Vice President (Corteva Zambia)


Treasurer (Zamseed Zambia)

Nokutula Zimba

( AfriSeed)

Godfrey Mwila


Davison Silungwe

Committee Member (QualiBasic Seeds)

Mark Stokes

Committee Member (Starke Ayres - Vegetable Seeds)

Zmbia Seed Trade Association' Members

Get In Touch

Off Nangwenya Road, Tiyende Pamodzi road, Sulmach Building Showgrounds

+260 966 745 604

© Zambia Seed Trade Association . All Rights Reserved.